(Un)Desiring Whiteness: (Un)Doing Sexual Racism
Coming in early 2024 from Oxford University Press, an anticipated book titled “Sexual Racism & Social Justice” promises to delve deep into the intertwined realms of racism, sexuality, and desire. Featuring contributions from top global experts, the book aims to shift the discourse on ‘sexual racism’—a topic that has been at the forefront for many scholars, activists, and commentators recently. Instead of reiterating prevailing viewpoints, this compilation seeks to challenge mainstream perspectives and introduce groundbreaking concepts about the interplay between racism and sexuality. However, this book is not just an academic exploration; it serves as a collaborative space for experts across disciplines to dissect and understand the intricacies of these themes. In doing so, it hopes to further the cause of anti-racism, promote sexual diversity, and champion the broader mission of social justice.